Alive & Thrive Blog

Tips, research, and anecdotes about nutrition, health, and habits - helping you get the most out of life.

Smash Your Garlic!

Garlic pic.png

...then pause

To get the powerful anti-microbial benefits from the allicin available in garlic, we need to break the cellular walls in the garlic clove. The enzyme allinase will be released from the cell walls and mix with the alliin compound within the garlic cells to become the magical allicin. Be careful though, heat will denature or inactivate the allinase enzyme and then the allicin will not be created.

There is a quick and easy fix: When you are cooking dinner, let the first task be to smash your garlic. In just 10 minutes, the magic will happen. The alliin within the garlic will be exposed to the allinase enzymes and the resulting power-packed allicin can withstand the heat of cooking. It will remain active in your meal and provide all the anti-microbial goodness you are looking for.

Christina Wilton