


Welcome to Dragonfly Thrive

Holistic nutrition addresses the wellness of the whole person by bringing body systems back into balance. As much as possible, this is achieved through fresh whole foods, found locally and grown with care. When necessary, supplementation and lifestyle adjustments are incorporated as part of the regimen.

Why do you need a holistic nutritionist?

Do you ever find yourself:

  • sensitive to foods that didn’t bother you before,

  • unbuttoning your pants after dinner for the bloating,

  • moving slowly in the morning to allow your joints to warm up,

  • carrying a few extra pounds each year,

  • overwhelmed by lifestyle and diet changes prescribed by your doctor, or

  • scrambling to come up with healthy and tasty food your family will actually eat?

You know you could feel better and you know that what you are doing right now isn’t working. Let a holistic nutritionist (that’s me!) support you and help you incorporate realistic and personalized tools, foods, habits, or supplements, with a plan that will allow you to make the changes necessary. Nourish yourself, find balance through smart choices and flourish every day.



Nutrient rich, whole foods that are still close to nature will support repair, growth and maintenance of the body.


Poor quality foods, depleted soils and continued exposure to toxins over time puts the body’s systems out of balance.


When given the care and respect your body deserves you can expect to enjoy less pain, better mood, radiant skin, and a sharper mind => the road to longevity.



Hi! I’m Christina…

I hope to be your guide as you nourish yourself, find balance in your body and flourish in your way.